So, here I am, back again, and so soon. Right now I'm at work. Doing security. The place I'm at is really exciting, as in totally mind numbingly boring. On the plus, I finally found a way past some of the filters so I can actually do some blogging and reading.
I've been here since 7am, and I get off in an hour. I was there the same amount of time yesterday, and I'll be back again tomorrow for more of the same. Happy 4th of July, everyone, by the way.
I've so far read about a book and 3/4ths, watched over 10 hours of movies.. and played quite a few games. I've also taken a nice walk around the area I'm guarding and found raccoon tracks as well as this kind of neat wild flower. Ok, it's a weed, but to me it's beautiful, so I pulled one up and I'm going to try and get it to grow. I'll post pictures later. Oh, I've also looked up all sorts of stuff. nothing illicit, mind you. just weird things. Like uses for stale beer.
I'd still rather be here then at the deli.
I'm searching for a job in my field, with not a lot of luck, but next week, I'm sending out a bunch of Resumes. Here's hoping one of them lands me a good job. Think of it as a birthday wish (my birthday is Thursday).
That's all for now. I donno, I may ramble on tomorrow while here.