Tuesday, April 27, 2010


I've always wanted to start a blog with that. Not much going on. Catching up on my bills (YAY). Taking Jache to the vet Thurs for her second Lyme shot. I'm not taking any chances with Lyme. I'm going to schedule her spaying for two weeks from now....don't tell her.
It's very cold today. On Saturday, Mom, Jache, and I went for a hike in a park. It was fun, and the dog behaved, so she's getting better. We're waiting to hear back from this woman about dog training. She wanted classes to start may 1st....but I have not heard anything in a week.

I'm waiting for FUNimation to put out "season" 3 and 4 of D.gray-man. Not that I can afford it yet. Seriously, not a whole lot going on. Waiting till it gets warmer for some serious yard-related activities....not that I'll be playing out there, the yard slopes really bad.

I'm off to warm up. And maybe make another dinner. Yes, another one. I'm still hungry.

Monday, April 19, 2010


warui, warui (sorry, sorry)...

I've been busy with my new job, and with the puppy, and been lazy....so I have not updated in quite some time....

Let's see...

I saw "How to Train Your Dragon." I give it a 10/10. Great graphics, good plot. I've got a few more movies I want to see coming out this summer and late spring.

And this weather is driving me batty. Warm one day, cold the next. I hate being cold. Bought a new blueberry plant today to complement the one I already have. Also got my mom her mothers day gift; a purple rose bush. I wanted to get a weeping-cherry tree for myself, but couldn't find one. Oh! My huckleberry is finally setting berries.

In other news, not much going on. getting back into shape by walking Jache and stretching. It helps that I'm not at the Deli anymore, so I'm not tempted to eat crap all the time. Note to people who are dieting: Deli food is NOT good for you.

I'm working on a drawing of a tree. I hope to upload at least the line art -inked- soon. I may have my friend add the color, since I am horrible at color, but I still need to think about that.

I swear I'll be better about updating this! once a week! Come on Sprig, you can do that at least!
