Apparently, if you drop a large amount of loose coins by accident on the floor and snarl "Damn!" at yourself, it's grounds to get yelled at. And if you roll your eyes in a "just my luck" way when your manager lets someone in 15 min after your closed and you JUST started to check your work (I could have used a "wait, one sec, one more person" BEFORE I started) it's grounds to get a lecture on proper customer interaction. In front of the other workers no less. I'm pissed about that part.
Yes. I shouldn't have said damn. it slipped, I was mad at myself.
Yes, I really shouldn't have rolled my eyes. I meant nothing by it, and I'm sorry if the customer thought I was annoyed with her. I wasn't, I was annoyed at my shitty luck, and trying to poke mean humor at myself.
Also, when I say I am uncomfortable with being teased on my spelling, even when a person says they're laughing because the spell check missed it, it should be dropped. Particularly at work. I'm not overly sensitive about a lot (I don't think) but some things really do bother me. Smells and spelling happen to be big on the list.
I know I shouldn't let any of it bother me, I've just had an off week, it happens....but you know what? I don't need shit at work for two slip ups in one week on top of it.