Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Cat show number 2

First off, some sad news, my pet rat, Mikie, passed away late Sunday evening in my arms. I'm still very upset about this, and I'm going to miss him terribly.

In better news, Mukki went to his second cat show last weekend. This one was a two day show. On day one, he tied with the other Maine coon kitten, a different one from last week, each taking home 2 best Maine coon kitten. (they were in different color classes and sexes). On Sunday, Mukki pulled ahead with 3 more best Maine coon kittens, and snagged one "6th best long hair kitten" which was fantastic! The judge even said that though she is a big fan of the classic brown in Maine coons, Mukki's markings were just so fabulous, and his color was just gorgous, so she had to pick him as best coon kitten.

Mukki ate up all the attention. He really thinks everyone at the show was there just for him. We're taking a break between shows. Orriginally we were going to get Mukki neutered this week, but after talking to the breeder, we're going to wait till he's closer to 8 mo. old, so he grows to his full potential. Next show, we're going to bring Dolly along and see if she likes it. If she does, we may enter her in the house pet catagory when she's old enough.

We're all very proud of our little man! And on that, I'm off to go to bed, because I have a job interview tommorow. Wish me luck!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Cat Show

Well, Mukki had his first cat show Sunday. We did really well, he acted wonderfully, like an old pro. It was a one day show, which I hear is very stressful for cats, and since he didn't have a problem, he most likely won't have issues at other shows (According to others). He was competing against another Maine Coon kitten in the long hair kitten class, and he was consistently beaten by the other one. In Mukki's defense, the other was older and more experienced. But, he did beat out the brown tabby kitten in the last ring and moved on to the finals, where he got 10th best kitten! I was amazed. Mostly, I was happy just knowing he was behaving well and seeming to enjoy all the attention. Not a hiss or a mew from him! Me on the other hand, I was NOT happy with the crowds. I hate crowds.

And it sounds like Dolly has figured out the Cat door. Dolly used to be known as Sally, but I kept calling her my baby doll, and Mom was calling her Dolly anyway, so we switched it.

So yes, YAY Mukki! We've signed up for next weekend's 2 day show, which is about the same distance as this weekends'. Quite a few people suggested it, and even though he lost out to the other kitten in most rings, I found out that the judges still thought Mukki was a fantastic kitten, it was just a matter of development. So, we're hopeful for next weekend. At the kitten age, it's really all about just getting experience. The points don't count towards anything really. So, after next weekend, I'll probably take a break with him. I talked to the woman with the other kitten (she's an old hand, and friends with the breeder I got Mukki from) and she said at his age, shoot for 2 shows a month to keep him good about it.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Welcome Sally!

So, I went to the place where the Maine Coon kitten was, and naturally, I fell in Love. She's a sweetie, and has an awesome coat. I saw her playing with another cat, so I knew when she settled in she'd play with Mukki. After talking to the lady who runs the place, we agreed that I would be the one to take Sally, and better yet, I could take her that day! She's healthy, flea-free, spayed and Micro-chipped, and she's now home with me. Copper, Mukki, Sally and I are spending the next few days isolated in my living section. If Mukki gets too much for Sally, I send him up to mom and he works off the energy. Sally has already desided I'm cool, but she keeps hissing at Mukki and Copper. There's no agression in it, it's more of a warning, since she doesn't know they're harmless. Copper ignores it completely, and Mukki takes the hint and backs off. Other then that, she's settled in well. She's found her favorite spots, and she's used the litter box, so that's a big relief. Eventually, when she's fully comfortable, she'll probibly sleep on the bed with the boys and I, but last night she slept in the living room, which is fine. I think Mukki likes her, but he still can't get her to play. No worries, though, since it's been less then 24 hours. She does know her name, in case you are wondering.

Sally checking things out last night. Didn't take her long to find the bird cage.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Life update

Pictures first!

Copper and Belle, relaxing with mom on her couch

Belle and Oliver. Normally they rush around, Oliver after Belle, and she starts yowling,....they're such fakers, they get along well most of the time.

Belle and Mukki. She doesn't play well, but she tollerates Mukki some of the time. He's trying to deside if it's worth it to jump on her, and she's pretending to not see him.

I'm waiting to hear back from Lowes about a part time job. I've been getting some yard work done, though there is still a lot left to be done. Today, since it was warm, I decided to take Copper for a walk, which was fun, despite the fact that he had to mark every single blade of grass. What's really funny is even when he's, well, out.... he still pretends to mark his turf. After the walk I went for a drive, I needed to pick up some things. Copper naturally came along, and he loved it. He's totally worn out now. I then did yard work, and went out again to get the things I couldn't find earlier. And...now I'm here. Tommorow I'm going to a shelter (Not Pike or Wisker's in Waiting) and checking out a kitten that is Mukki's age. I'll let you know how that goes. It's a bit of a drive, but the cat us supposed to be a Maine Coon, so, it'll be worth it. Speaking of Shelters, as soon as I hear back from Lowes, I'm planning on doing volunteer work at at least one of the local shelters. Of course, it'll have to wait till after Mukki's first cat show, which is NEXT WEEKEND!!! YAY! We're getting all excited. Well, that's it for now. ~Sprig

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Watchmen, Anime, and life

Ok, first off, I know it's been a while. I've been busy. I was supposed to go and get a playmate for Mukki this weekend, but after totally re-working my weekend for this, I get told that it's not happening. I'm really beginning to hate people. The reason I was looking for a playmate for Mukki, well, Belle doesn't play, Oliver get's him cranked right before bed, and leaves me and my elderly dog to deal with a hyper kitten. Now, yes, I wanted a kitten, and I love how playful he is. But not at 3am. And he's getting a bit rough on Copper. So, I tried, it didn't work, then tried something else, and naturally, that didn't work. And, we're back at square one. Again. There is a chance of next weekend, but I'm already pissed at these people. They were supposed to transport some cats from a high kill shelter to waiting adopters, and then tell us last minute that, oh, a couple of the kittens are sick, so, none of the cats are going to be transported. I understand that, really I do, but waiting till the last fucking minute?! They totally killed my weekend, which was supposed to be awesome. and even if I had found out earlier, I could have had a decent weekend, but the fact that they wait till FRIDAY NIGHT to tell me this? GAH, I hate shitheads who can't PLAN AHEAD. If you're taking some kittens to a vet before they get transported, guess what? DON'T DO IT THE DAY BEFORE THEY GET PICKED UP!!!!

And that's enough of my rant.

Now to Watchmen.

A most excellent movie. Totally rated R people. We're talking a DO-NOT-bring-your-kid-because-you-can't-find-a-sitter movie. A lot of blood, gore, sex, and nudity, MALE and FEMALE.
As for the plot, well, it helps if you know a bit about the Watchmen, but the story stands alone on it's own. The characters are all superheros, but at the same time they're composit superheros. You can see traits of all the classic greats in these people. The story can seem a bit convoluted, but if you pay attention it's simple. I can't really say more about it then the typical movie-site summery on the plot. I will say that there is some serious dark humor going on, which really just makes my day. For example, my favorite line:
Rorschach: [to prisoners] I'm not locked in here with you! You're locked in here with ME!
and in case you can't guess, Rorschach is by far my favorite character in the movie. I just love slightly insane characters.
There's also a nice scene with two hero's reminiscing about a guy who used to dress up just to get them to beat him up, and how annoying it was when he'd follow them shouting "PUNISH ME!". One asks the other what ever happened to him, and the other responds "Oh, he pulled that on Rorschach, and he dropped him down an elevator shaft." I love that part.

Overall, I give the graphics an 9/10 for the most part, and a 10/10 for Rorschach's mask (see the movie, you'll see what I mean)
Plot 10/10
Character development 10/10 (Yes, you do get attached, though I have a friend who disagreed and thought the movie was only so-so)
Soundtrack 9/10. It would have been a 10/10, but when I went to buy it, some of the best songs were not on the track! It was defiantly appropriate music, however.
Overall, I give it a 9/10, mostly because there was some tacky-ness, and it could be a bit hard to follow all the time. Some more background on some of the characters would have been welcome as well.

And for the Anime!
First Watchable-not-on-the-Japanese-website preview of 07-ghosts is out, and I'm gonna share it. I'm counting down till the new stuff comes out! (And for those reading Naruto, WTF??! right?)