Copper and Belle, relaxing with mom on her couch
Belle and Oliver. Normally they rush around, Oliver after Belle, and she starts yowling,....they're such fakers, they get along well most of the time.
Belle and Mukki. She doesn't play well, but she tollerates Mukki some of the time. He's trying to deside if it's worth it to jump on her, and she's pretending to not see him.
I'm waiting to hear back from Lowes about a part time job. I've been getting some yard work done, though there is still a lot left to be done. Today, since it was warm, I decided to take Copper for a walk, which was fun, despite the fact that he had to mark every single blade of grass. What's really funny is even when he's, well, out.... he still pretends to mark his turf. After the walk I went for a drive, I needed to pick up some things. Copper naturally came along, and he loved it. He's totally worn out now. I then did yard work, and went out again to get the things I couldn't find earlier. I'm here. Tommorow I'm going to a shelter (Not Pike or Wisker's in Waiting) and checking out a kitten that is Mukki's age. I'll let you know how that goes. It's a bit of a drive, but the cat us supposed to be a Maine Coon, so, it'll be worth it. Speaking of Shelters, as soon as I hear back from Lowes, I'm planning on doing volunteer work at at least one of the local shelters. Of course, it'll have to wait till after Mukki's first cat show, which is NEXT WEEKEND!!! YAY! We're getting all excited. Well, that's it for now. ~Sprig
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