Monday, June 28, 2010

Apparently, if you drop a large amount of loose coins by accident on the floor and snarl "Damn!" at yourself, it's grounds to get yelled at. And if you roll your eyes in a "just my luck" way when your manager lets someone in 15 min after your closed and you JUST started to check your work (I could have used a "wait, one sec, one more person" BEFORE I started) it's grounds to get a lecture on proper customer interaction. In front of the other workers no less. I'm pissed about that part.
Yes. I shouldn't have said damn. it slipped, I was mad at myself.
Yes, I really shouldn't have rolled my eyes. I meant nothing by it, and I'm sorry if the customer thought I was annoyed with her. I wasn't, I was annoyed at my shitty luck, and trying to poke mean humor at myself.

Also, when I say I am uncomfortable with being teased on my spelling, even when a person says they're laughing because the spell check missed it, it should be dropped. Particularly at work. I'm not overly sensitive about a lot (I don't think) but some things really do bother me. Smells and spelling happen to be big on the list.

I know I shouldn't let any of it bother me, I've just had an off week, it happens....but you know what? I don't need shit at work for two slip ups in one week on top of it.


Sunday, June 13, 2010

Weekly update.

Well now, Jache has gotten a haircut (pics coming soon, my camera has no batteries right now) She looks good. Planning on taking Mukki to the Garden state cat show this July.

Finally got my cherry tree in the ground, and also planted a hydrangea. Had a friend come over and help.

Coby and I saw the new Karate Kid movie. Personally, I give it a 10/10. Very nice remake. It followed the basic plot, but I enjoyed the differences greatly. Jaden Smith did well as a lead, and Jackie Chan rocks.

I've been re-reading some books with my e-book reader (Tamora Pierce books right now) and I've got a complaint. See, the books I'm reading are older, and it's obvious that they were transcribed so they'd be on the readers. There are a LOT of mistakes, spelling and in names. I'm sorry, I don't think that's acceptable, it reads like something someone in high-school wrote, and then didn't spell check. I normally cut a lot of slack for spelling, since I'm Disgraphic, but, these are PUBLISHED works. COME ON PEOPLE "and jew left the city" is just not paying attention ("and few left the city") but "Tjere" is something that WOULD be caught with spell check. and get the names right.

But, other then that, life is ok. I'm off to watch anime.


Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Walk in an abandoned golf course....

Find a fawn! Coby, Jache and I went for a walk today in a golf course that's in forclosure....and stumbled across this baby fawn! It was day's old at the oldest, though, judging by the pink hoofs, I'd say hours old. The doe was no-where to be seen, so after some photo's we left the fawn. We never touched it, and since we were on top of it when we saw it, we didn't really get any closer (No closer then Jache had gotten... Never know what you'll see on a walk. Last week, I saw a baby groundhog and a snapper....

We also saw geese, turkeys and squirrels.
