Saturday, February 7, 2009

Road rants

I am getting really sick of people driving 35mph in a 50mph zone. Seriously. MOVE IT PEOPLE! That being said, I want to mention something very serious. Now, I don't know how they do it in cities, but wherever there is an accident on a country road that ends in death, a cross is put up. This is actually more for when people are speeding and slide off the road. Our roads out here are so twisty-turny that you have to be really careful. Speeding can send you right over the side of a mountain or into a clump of trees....We have a term for roads like that (I live off of one of the worst right now), we call then Suicide roads. You can always tell when a road is really bad because it has a lot of crosses slammed into the ground. Each cross represents a different accident. It's sad when you see a particularly bad turn with a line of six or seven crosses. I do like how it is a remembrance of those who have lost their lives, and a bit of a silent warning. I do wish more people would notice.

In other news, Mukki is getting really big! He almost weighs as much as Copper! Oliver has also been doing well, he's much calmer now then he was even a week ago. Copper is doing about the same. He's an old dog, so some days are better then others. As for myself, I'm still really badly sick. Didn't stop me from going to the mall for animal suppies and a book. I really wanted "Bone Crossed" and I also needed bird food (had a coupon for free food) as well as kitten chow. What can I say, when you have pets, they're family. Since they can't go out and get their own food, their needs must come before mine. That's about all. I'll write more when I'm feeling better.
(from left to right, Copper, Mukki and Oliver)

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