Sunday, February 1, 2009

Dr. Horrible...

I got the DVD in the mail today. Much love, let me just say. I had a good time watching the whole DVD. I also finished up YYH, so today was a day spent watching movies. I've been having a story type dream. Every time I go to sleep, the dream picks up, and I think it's a really good story. When I know where we (my subconscious and I) are going with this, I'll give you a summery. I'm thinking about drawing some of the stuff from the dream as well.

Everything has been mellow today. I need to get back to doing some work soon. I have been sick this last week, though, so I'm not too torn up about it. Mukki and Copper got a bath yesterday. Both are much cleaner, and the bath for Mukki went well.

Ok, so I have nothing of any real importance to say. Not about my life at least. Admittedly, I'm pissed at Wall street for pulling that bonus crap. Here we are in the States facing one of the worst Recessions in years, people losing their jobs, companies going out of business, a slow panic setting in, and they had the stupidity to do bonuses equal to that of last year? When we were at a record High? Morons. I'm not trying to go all political on you, but still, it's stupid. I speak as someone who can not find a job in my field, and is working at temp jobs. I know as a nation we are suffering. Everyone knows that. Given that, you'd think one of our biggest financial institutions would be more worried about the every day person instead of their pocket lining. I seem to recall that wall street is dependent on the people with stocks, after all....

Anywho, I should probibly turn in. I've been spending way to much time watching horror movies at night.

~ Sprig

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