Monday, April 13, 2009

Anime, FMA2

So, FUNimation is keeping its word and putting out a new FMA 2 every week, on Thursdays. Now, I know some of you may gripe and want to give in and get it fansubbed, but FUNi's quality was quite good. The Subbing was well done. Of course, all the fans watching the first episode, we kinda almost killed the system. They're working on that.

07-GHOST also came out last week. This is a series that should be licensed. I'm not going to do a blow by blow of episode one for these two, since I really really think you should go and just watch them. Also, I tend to go into very small details with these two...and that gets annoying. Ok, so 07-GHOST has not been licensed at this point, but, I hope it is soon. Other 07-GHOST fans and I were in agreement that Teito's voice was good...but not the best...could be because we all had a definitive idea on what it should be. Overall response to 07 has been good, however.

FMA2, well, let's face it, it's FMA! I loved the opening song, like, crazy-loved. Since FUNimation has licensed it so quickly, some fans are hopeful for a fast dub release, or even a fast to-American-TV release. As far as I know, there has been no word on this. I'll keep you informed the moment I find out something.

In other news, I now have a stable job, which is nice, and of course means more money for ANIME! (And books). I've got a busy I can't be sure I'll get a chance to post later. ttyl, people.

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